Category Archives: Life

How we stole a dog…

So things are a little tense at home at the moment what with Jessica writing mocks and Tamsyn having a few interpersonal relationship/friend issues, so I figured I’d take them out to Cavendish for a little retail therapy (actually I … Continue reading

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‘Cause baby, you were born this way…

Tamsyn is a huge fan of her music, Jessica and I like a lot of her songs so when we heard she was coming out it was a bit of a moot point as to whether we’d get tickets or … Continue reading

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An extract from an email I just wrote to a friend: “Then to add to my woes I had a horrible night last night……. first I couldn’t get my dear husband to turn over and stop snoring…. I swear I … Continue reading

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RIP – Janice

Have just found out a good friend of mine passed away recently – I don’t know many details from what I can gather her colon ruptured and she had to have an emergency operation from which she never recovered. Rest … Continue reading

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The day my fingers froze

{it’s hard thinking up appropriate but clever titles each time} I’ve been wrestling with my blog and trying to post pictures for the last week, for some reason every time I posted a pic (from the new camera) the blog … Continue reading

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A review (of sorts)

It’s a terrible thing to live with the constant paranoia that altzheimers is going to strike at any minute. My life is filled with such irrational fears (well I hope they’re irrational; my maternal grandmother had altzheimers, damn disease better … Continue reading

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The end is nigh…

Grey hair. Bet you shuddered at the thought. The inimitable sign one is aging; a process that always happens to others never to oneself. At least that’s what I thought. There I was gazing lovingly into my husband’s eyes feeling … Continue reading

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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree*

Jessica summed it up this weekend when she said “now it feels like Christmas” after the tree was decorated. Which is in sharp contrast to her attitude last year where I had to practically bribe her to put a bauble … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Those Darn Cats | 1 Comment

Cars…and me (trouble comes in three)

My Opel Meriva and I have been having fun lately – fun not in the nice way either – fun as in this is gonna cost you more than you’re prepared (or able) to pay fun. 1. A few weeks … Continue reading

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This is what happens

when you neglect your blog – you end up with loads of spam and in an effort to get rid of it – you go on a massive deleting spree – which in turn means you inadvertently delete legitimate comments. … Continue reading

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