A review (of sorts)

It’s a terrible thing to live with the constant paranoia that altzheimers is going to strike at any minute. My life is filled with such irrational fears (well I hope they’re irrational; my maternal grandmother had altzheimers, damn disease better not be hereditary).

If I hear a noise in the middle of the night I immediately assume a bunch of marauding hoards is trying to break in or if a loved one is late getting home they’re lying dying at the bottom of a ravine somewhere.  I suspect I may have picked up this little trait from my mother who is famous (within our small family, that is) for watching my father snorkeling off the beach and upon seeing him disappear for a few seconds immediately thought “what am I going to do now?  how am I going to get his body home? is the life insurance policy paid up?” Meanwhile my father had spotted a shell on the ocean floor and had gone down to see if it was worth having a further look at. Did anyone notice my mother’s first thought was not “oh no! My husband is in trouble let me find someone to save him”?  We’re a loving family.

So I was genuinely perturbed earlier in the week when it took me two days to finally remember the town one of my closest friends grew up in and I couldn’t remember the names of two relatively famous actors that had both starred in the same movie (Speed) even though I could clearly picture their faces (bet you remembered who they were).

Which brings me to the point of my post, I don’t think altzheimers has got its ugly; disease ridden claws into me just yet. Yay!

Sequence of events – Pieter gives Wouter a soundtrack from a movie awhile back. Wouter listens to soundtrack and likes (a lot). *several months pass* Remembering he liked the soundtrack Wouter gets the movie from Pieter. Tanya suspicious of any movie being recommended by Pieter [he has a really weird taste in movies] reads the back of the cover and reckons it doesn’t sound too bad. Movie starts and Tanya suddenly exclaims:

“I’ve read the book!” (some ferreting around and mumbling ensues)

“It’s got a white cover with black on it” (bit more ferreting around and mumbling)

“Ta da!”

And that is how I know altzheimers hasn’t quite settled in for the long haul.

The movie is worth watching but you should really read the book.

The picture is my attempt at artistic composing

(it’s a work in progress)

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