Love is in the air…

(don’t know about you but I’ve now got that silly song stuck in my head)

I am in love. Totally bowled over. Gushingly, sickeningly over the top in love.

(and no, not with my husband* or our stupid cat(s) {more on them later})

For the longest time I have wanted a new camera, not that there was anything wrong with the one I had, I just felt it was getting a little long in the tooth. So I started dropping hints, just little comments every now and then, you know the type – subtle remarks along the lines of “Oh, how I wish I had a new camera” or “This camera isn’t doing it for me anymore” or “I feel so inadequate, my camera only has 10 megapixels” Subtle stuff like that.

When this didn’t work, I tried the more direct approach.

Daily emails with pretty pictures of new cameras available along with a variety of glowing reviews carefully researched on the internet.

This didn’t work either.

So I went hardball.

Told the man in my life if I didn’t get a new camera I was cutting him off.

Suffice to say, I am now the proud owner of a Lumix DMC-FZ100 and it is beautiful. Some may ask why I didn’t push for a DSLR camera, seeing as I suffer so much from camera envy. To be honest I don’t like them *collective gasp*. The idea of having to keep changing lenses and carting around all that paraphernalia, just doesn’t do it for me. I’m a simple girl at heart, not a terribly good photographer so my awesome compact camera is good enough for me.

Having only had it in my grubby little paws for 2 days I don’t have too many examples of what it can do but here is what I have so far.

Exhibit 1 – Optical zoom (or as I like to call it – stalker mode)

This was taken from Boyes Drive overlooking Kalk Bay harbour

See what I mean about stalker mode?

(for those of you who may need a bit more explanation – I

didn’t move an inch when taking these two photos)

(flippen darn amazing if you ask me)

Exhibit 2 – Capturing action shots (consecutive shooting)

Not the greatest example but I’m working on this function

Exhibit 3 – shots taken in poor lighting (e.g. restaurant)

Course I was trying to get them to give me a nice shot of the two of them

Exhibit 4 – The soon to be dead cat

So why do I have homicidal thoughts towards my pretty kitty?

Because she’s trying to kill me, and really I’m just reacting in self defense. Last night I was sleeping the sleep of the just, enjoying my dreams when I was abruptly brought to a sitting position, heart nearly bursting from my chest by the sounds of the entire bedroom crashing around me. The previous evening I played tag with her and Misty and a dead locust from 2:30 am to 3:30 am. The evening before that it was a gigantic moth. I haven’t had this much interrupted sleep since the kids learnt to go to the loo by themselves. When she isn’t bringing in assorted dead and live specimens, it’s the wet nose kisses and head butting. Something’s gotta give.

*For the record I do love my husband, even more so now that I have a super fab and groovy camera

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