My mother, much to the annoyance of my father (most of the time) has decided it is her duty to keep the entire bird population of the area they live in, in a life they probably weren’t accustomed to – that is till she got there. Mango, kiwi fruit, strawberries, pineapple – to name but a few of the fruits they get given on a daily basis. There is however one blight on her horizon – her nemesis – a pigeon that just will not take the hint that he is not welcome. He eats up the bird seed of the smaller birds and tends to scare away the rest. Well all but the Louries that is.
Tamsyn spent much of her time chasing him away, not that it made any difference – within two minutes he was back again.
The area is a bird sanctuary and therefore cats are strictly forbidden – being a cat family I suspect my mother is adopting the birds as a substitute. Pretty poor substitute in my book.
We took a walk on the beach on Leisure Isle the one afternoon, the tide was out so it put pay to any ideas Tamsyn had of swimming. She walked for ages to try and find deeper water, to no avail. Jessica did the teenage thing, walked on the beach in her ‘leather’ jacket and music blaring from her ipod.
Trying very hard not to smile :)
And finally not often I’m not behind the camera, but with Tamsyn now deciding she rather enjoys photography, there are more pictures of me – well the few I haven’t deleted due to reactions like – oh gawd do I really have that many wrinkes? Or – frek, this camera adds 20 pounds, it must be defective.