I am sat in my hobby room perched on one of those red plastic – store-all type boxes, draped over which I have put one of the landrover mattresses and I am freezing my tushie off. I was bright enough to buy myself a cup of hot chocolate at the shops, otherwise I just might have had to dip into W’s secret stash he has hidden away somewhere in this house. On the upside, I’m able to blog with my ever so cute Eee PC (the novelty will wear off eventually, until then you’re just going to have to grin and read it :)). I’m supposed to be stripping (the paint) but the thought of having to change into work clothes is just too much for me, besides which W bought me new scrapers and quite obviously I have to wait till I get those. Until then I’m going to sip my drink, browse the net and hope like heck I stop shaking.
My little workstation.