Yay, one year today :)

Having waxed lyrical yesterday about my new Eee PC, let me rather give updates on the house. (Oh just so you know, I bought W the Gun Digest, comes out every year – makes choosing presents for him a doddle and something else, but can’t say what yet – hoping it arrives today).

Who’d have thought stripping paint off a door could be such hazardous work. I now have a tiny burn mark on my tummy where a*very* hot paint chip flew off the cupboard and down the front of my top. Eina.  I also didn’t realise just how labour intensive stripping paint can be, I’ve been at it for 3 days now (off and on) and I’m still not finished the damn doors in T’s room.  We decided to strip the paint off as there had obviously been several coats painted on and I want to re-paint them, probably with a light lilac. If I’d painted over the top of the existing paint, we’d never be able to close the doors.  So the heat gun and I are becoming fast friends, when the damn thing isn’t sending tiny pieces of molten lava down my front.

 T’s cupboard doors

I’m also changing the handles, they’re really old fashioned. (Btw this picture was taken at the beginning of yesterday’s efforts, there is a lot less paint now).

Frank has started to lay the bricks in the back yard and what a difference it is going to make.

Back stoep

They have built and plastered the wall where the jacuzzi is going to go.  We’re going to fill the rest of the space with glass bricks.

Jacuzzi wall

We also had them raise the wall between our neighbour and ourselves – didn’t really fancy sitting on the front porch and having to see their back door the whole time.

Neighbourly wall

So, things are happening, we still have a looooong way to go but progress is being made.

Figured I’d end off with a pic W took of me with my new best friend (not the heat gun, *grumbleaboutheatgunsthathurtme*).

My Eee PC

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