Brits (even pseudo ones) should not be allowed an opinion on whether to take the sun tan lotion or not*

(San Diego time – 18:28)

Some bright eyed and bushy tailed twit woke me up at 6 this morning.

After raiding the mini-mart (Tamsyn and Jessica couldn’t cope with the idea of starting out the day without breakfast) we headed out to San Diego Zoo.

Poppet (our friendly navigation lady) patiently recalculatd the route when we took a wrong turn and had us at the Zoo well before opening time. Even with a coupon that gave us $4 off each ticket it still came out to around R1k (gads). The zoo is amazing though and I saw a number of animals I’d never heard of, let alone seen. Course none of the pics I’m about to post are of them, those critters just won’t stand still. Having said that I got the distinct impression many of the animals were putting on shows for the gawking passers-by.

Grizzly Bears

Spotted Otter

Sky lift

Mamma and baby


For lunch we had sandwiches from the Zoo restaurant with a choice of potato salad or coleslaw as a side dish. Don’t care for the potato salad much, doesn’t taste anything like ours at home.

I am amazed though at how friendly and helpful Americans are, it really is so much fun being here.

After the zoo came the Museum of Natural History and the Space and Air Museum. The latter was more interesting for Wouter than us but we handled it like troopers, tried to keep the whinging and moaning to a bare minimum.

Amelia Earheart (and our *gnome*)

(you’ll have to turn sideways to view this one, haven’t worked out how to rotate an image in wordpress)

Ended the day back at the hotel with Tamsyn and Jessica swimming while Wouter and I raided the mini-mart for beer and bubbly.

*And being an idiot I told Jessica we didn’t need sun screen as the sun wasn’t out when we left. I am paying the price – distinctly look like an over ripe tomato.

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