You know it’s finally summer when…

you end up being invited to a braai every day of the weekend. Friday night – braai, Saturday night – braai, Sunday afternoon – braai… man it was nice. It did however put a bit of a limit on how much we could do around the house.

I managed to pack away the last of the kitchen paraphenalia and have realised we don’t have enough kitchen cupboards. Then again we knew this which is why we have contingency plans ie. another cupboard above the sink, shelves above the bar counter etc etc.  We’re just not there yet.

With a teensy bit of subtle hinting on my part Wouter put my bathroom light up.

It really is a stunning light fitting, cannot wait to have my first bath – we’re almost there – Wouter just has to seal the bath and check for leaks.

Of course our shower has been ready for ages but the shower door had to be ordered and initial estimate on delivery was amended to ‘towards the end of the month’. So much to Jessica’s disgust we’re back to using her shower – that is until Wouter sorts out the leak in Tamsyn’s.

We did manage to get some of the furniture and other bits and bobs I inherited from my Grandparents across from Bellville. We’d had to store it there as the Kommetjie place was far too small and to be frank already too full of crap.

When I was quite little my Grandfather would make me furniture for my dollies.  He made me a beautiful wardrobe which my Gran filled with clothes she’d knitted and it had little glass bottles filled with sweets on top, I adored that wardrobe. He also made me a cat from a fur coat my Gran had after she’d decided she wasn’t going to wear real fur anymore, which I still have I might add. He doesn’t have any whiskers anymore – one of my cats chewed them off many, many years ago – but he still feels wonderful. So it wasn’t really surprising that I managed to persuade him to build me a dolls house. I’m a sucker for anything that one can collect – you know those part works that come out every week - well they brought out one that would eventually become a dolls house and I thought this was the greatest. It took Grandad the better part of a year and a half to build with a lot of finnicky work. I have a feeling he enjoyed doing it because he made extra furniture for it (apart from what they supplied) and we (the kids and I) were never allowed to touch it. It now has pride of place in Tamsyn’s room and I’m planning on putting the furniture in it tonight, with the kids help of course. Well maybe, we’ll have to see – they just might break something :-).

I have also discovered that one should not put masking tape down on a wooden floor, leave it for 6 or 7 months and then expect to be able to pull it off easily. Took me nigh on an hour to get the wretched stuff off our bedroom floor.

 Wouter mentioned the biscuits he baked the other day – figured I ought to post the picture I took of them, they were really yummy.

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2 Responses to You know it’s finally summer when…

  1. Viv says:

    I *really* love that light fitting in your bathroom. Mind if I place a call to “House & Home” to come do a photo-shoot for when your place is done? :)

  2. Pingback: Wouter’s Blog » Blog Archive » Crazy season is upon us

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