Well, it’s a start…

This past weekend we went shopping, primarily for bathroom hardware - toilet, basin and the like.  Sometimes it really does pay to shop around, we went into several bathroom type stores and had a look around, made the mistake of innocently asking the price of what appeared to be an ordinary toilet.  Salesman “Two-two”, initial thought… hmmm two hundred and twenty rand, that sounds a little low, but surely he doesn’t mean two thousand and twenty rand.  Sadly he did.  Two thousand odd rand to sit on a small whilte hole!  Ridiculous if you ask me, anyway we went to Brights and found an equally nice looking toilet for R495.00.

      Toilet          Toilet 

Toilet and shower tray in their positions in the master bathroom – the box is impersonating a wall – (the shower tray has been living in the roof in Bellville for sometime now)

Our Malawian team (Frank and his team) have also started and did a fabulous job in breaking up the concrete stoep outside the kitchen and down the side of the house.

stoep.jpg  stoep-1.jpg  stoep-2.jpg  stoep-3.jpg

We also had to shift Wouter’s computer terminal (that desk is damn heavy, let me tell you) to the garage as he wants to get Frank and his team to start breaking down walls inside the house.

New home  PC Desk’s new home in the corner of the garage

Wouter wanted to see how thick the wall of the kitchen was and also mark out where we would be breaking through – turned out to be hard work.

  kitchen-wall.jpg  Finally broke through the wall kitchen-wall-1.jpg

Slightly off topic, I had to take a picture of our lone tomato plant tomato.jpg, which I might add we’ve had 3 tomatoes from already (they tasted really nice).  Not being much of a gardner, ok not being a gardner at all, I’m really very proud of this tomato plant.  The fact that the previous owners planted it, is really besides the point. It is *my* plant now, erm *our* plant now!

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